Round Rock Tree Services

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  • Round Rock, TX, USA
How To Find An Arborist image
How To Find An Arborist
Finding an arborist is a smart decision if you want to ensure that the trees on your property remain in top condition. Arborists have highly specialized knowledge, including the specific care requirements for each type of tree as well as the ability to spot potential problems, such as signs of disease or an infestation, before the problem gets out of hand. Anytime you suspect that one of your trees is unhealthy, you should hire an arborist to evaluate its condition. You will also want to consider hiring an arborist to prune trees and take care of occasional inspections for overall tree health. The only question becomes how to find an arborist.

Get Recommendations
As with any other professional, one of the best ways to find an arborist is to ask family, friends, and colleagues for recommendations. If you know someone who recently hired an arborist, ask them about their experience and whether they would suggest that arborist. Alternatively, you can look online at forums for reviews and suggestions of arborists.
Look Online
The internet is one of the best tools in your search for an arborist, and not just in terms of finding recommendations for one. You can also just use your search engine of choice to find an arborist in your area. Just remember that if you choose to find an arborist via a search instead of recommendations, it becomes even more important to check their qualifications before hiring them. That being said, you should always confirm that the arborist you hire is certified.

Ensure Certification
Before you hire an arborist, take the time to confirm that they are indeed certified. This certification should be with at least one local, national, or international organization. In order to receive certification from one of the well-respected arborist organizations, a professional must prove their knowledge and skills via testing, so having certification is a very strong indication that an arborist is able to care for your trees properly.

Check Their Other Qualifications
While certification is probably the first thing you should look for when hiring an arborist, it is not the only thing. You also need to ensure that the arborist you hire has insurance, including liability for property or personal damage as well as worker’s compensation. Do not hire an arborist without insurance as you may have to pay for the cost of damage or injuries. This is also when you should check how long the arborist has been working in the industry and in your specific region. The more experience they have, the better. If you have not already done so, don’t forget to also read reviews of the arborist before hiring them.

Get An Estimate First

The final step before officially hiring the arborist to work on your property is to ask them for an estimate. Any reputable arborist will gladly give you an estimate for whatever service you need done and explain the various charges to you, as well as what may change and what would cause those changes. Just remember that an estimate is only a predicted cost; it is not set in stone.
When to Prune Oak Trees in Texas image
When To Prune Oak Trees In Texas
When you prune a tree, you remove specific stems or branches as a way to provide an overall benefit to the tree. You can remove damaged or dead branches via pruning or use this tree care method to thin out a canopy to improve sunlight and air flow, which would improve the hardiness of the tree. To get the most out of pruning, it must be done at the right time. This is particularly important with oak trees due to the risk of oak wilt in Texas. You can always consult an arborist for a quote on pruning.

Do Not Prune In Spring
Unless you absolutely cannot avoid it, try not to prune your oak trees during the spring months. This is the time of year that oak trees have a higher susceptibility to oak wilt and other fungi and diseases and pruning makes it even worse. That is because if you cut an oak tree during the spring, the cut oozes sap, which then attracts beetles. Beetles are the main carrier of oak wilt, meaning that if a beetle goes to your oak tree for the sap, it is likely to bring oak wilt with it. Although it depends on specific temperatures and climate, the worst time for pruning oak trees in Texas tends to be from February to June.

Do Prune In Winter
The absolute best time to prune your oak trees will be during the winter months. This is the ideal time since there is a minimum risk of attracting beetles and other pests from oozing sap. That, in turn, dramatically reduces the risk of the tree contracting an infection or illness. Additionally, pruning your trees in winter gives the tree enough time to begin healing naturally. As winter moves to spring, the sap will start flowing through the branches of the oak tree, sealing up the wounds.
Fall is also an option for pruning oak trees, but the process tends to be much easier in winter. This comes down to the simple fact that there will be fewer leaves, enhancing your visibility of the tree. Before you prune your tree, take the extra precaution of ensuring there is not a heat wave coming up as this could damage the wounds.

If You Need To Prune Immediately
Despite knowing that it is best to prune your oak trees in winter, it is not uncommon for an occasion to arise that requires you to prune a tree at a different time of the year. If, for example, a storm damages the tree, you may need to prune off the injured portion of it. You may also need to prune an oak tree if it poses a safety threat due to overhanging branches or proximity to electrical wires. If you have to prune the tree and it is not winter, consider using a tree sealer afterwards. This will cover up the wounds you create during pruning, helping to prevent oak wilt and other diseases. If the tree you are pruning has a disease, be sure to thoroughly sanitize your pruning shears between each cut to prevent the spread of the infection.